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Albert Merz




art category

Urban & Zeitgenössisch, Modern & Abstrakt


Acryl, Mixed Media, Zeichnung, Kohle, Collage, Druckgrafik



price range

1500 - 18 000 CHF

The works of the Swiss painter Albert Merz show an exciting interplay of shapes and colors, of line and surface, as well as harmony and dissonance.
Organic meets inorganic, vegetation meets technology, calm meets chaos. Temporal and spatial dimensions seem to be suspended.
The artist, for whom the work of C.G. Jung and his exploration of alchemy are important, creates mysterious, often paradoxical-seeming pictorial worlds, but all of which revolve around fundamental questions of meaning.
Over the years, symbols have emerged that Merz has repeatedly used in spontaneous combinations. Symbols that are part of his life program and have always occupied him.
Two paths have recently emerged.
One that has led to a very strict reduction, the other that has found a playful, inventive lightness.

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