Inanda Page
South Africa
South Africa
art category
Nature & Cultural
Öl, Aquarell, Gouache, Kohle, Tusch, Mixed Media
price range
15 - 10 000 EUR
Inanda was born in Boksburg in 1971 and now lives in Pretoria, South Africa. She completed her high school diploma at Hoërskool Waterkloof and received a diploma in theatre craft from Pretoria Technikon in 1992. After working as a make-up and decorative artist, she turned to fine art around 2010.
Inanda's works include atmospheric depictions of sea, sky, landscapes and portraits, aiming to evoke emotion through the mediums of oil, ink and watercolour. More recently, she has increasingly incorporated wildlife motifs into her art, using neutral tones and the impasto technique to emphasise depth and texture. Her works reflect her commitment to conservation and the beauty of nature.