Joel Equagoo
art category
Modern & Abstrakt, Natur & Kulturell
Acryl, Öl, Aquarell, Pastell, Zeichnung, Kohle, Collage, Mixed Media, Digital Art, Druckgrafik, Lithografie, Holzschnitt, Linolschnitt, Siebdruck, Skulptur, Keramik, Mosaik, Fotografie, Spray, Bleistift
price range
3,300 - 33,000 CHF
Joël Equagoo is an experienced multidisciplinary artist based in Switzerland whose works have been exhibited nationally as well as internationally in Italy, the USA and Greece. In addition, his art has been featured in publications such as Solothurner Zeitung, Loft Décoration in Paris etc. Through the different media of painting, photography, textile and sculpture, Equagoo oscillates between abstraction, minimalism and textured compositions. A professional artist and art teacher living and working in Switzerland with his family, Joël Equagoo has been painting since childhood. He was born into a family of artists and entrepreneurs. His art ranges from painting, photography to land art and sculptures. He works with materials from nature, such as stones, wood, but also with other materials such as metal, steel, ceramics and others. He has been producing art in various styles for many years, including abstract painting, contemporary art, textured painting, minimalist art and modern painting. His works are continuously exhibited in several galleries and in many private collections and can be viewed by appointment in our Atelier Gallery made-in-nature in Switzerland.